Privacy Policy

Short tagline goes here
Privacy Policy admin March 16, 2023


Last updated on: 1st January 2023


This Privacy Policy statement is made by the entity “HerboGlobal Pharmaceuticals” The terms “HGP”, “we”, “us” or “our” are used interchangeably with “HerboGlobal Pharmaceuticals” in this document.


This Privacy Policy applies to all HGP websites that link to it. It also applies to the products provided by HGP through these websites, mobile applications, and applications posted by HGP on HGP’s online marketplace and in other third-party online marketplaces.


This Privacy Policy is divided into three parts:

Part I – Information HGP collects and controls

This part deals with how HGP collects and uses information about website visitors, potential customers, users of HGP’s products and services, and others who contact HGP through forms or email addresses published on or linked to our websites.

Part II – Information that HGP processes on your behalf

This part deals with how HGP handles data that you entrust to HGP when you use our products and services, or when you share any personal or confidential information with us while requesting customer support.

Part III – General

This part deals with topics that are relevant to both Parts I and II, and other general topics such as HGP’s security commitments and how we will inform you when we change this Privacy Policy.


What information do we collect

We only collect the information that we actually need. Some of that is information that you actively give us when you sign up for an account, register for an event, ask for customer support, or buy something from us. We store your name and contact information, but we don’t store credit card numbers (except with your permission and in third party secured payment gateways).

When you visit one of our websites or use our software, we automatically log some basic information like how you got to the site, where you navigated within it, and what features and settings you use. We use this information to improve our websites and services and to drive new product development.

Sometimes we receive information indirectly. If you ask about our products through one of our Business Associates, they’ll pass on your contact information to us. We’ll use that information to complete the request that you made. If you engage with our brand on social media (for instance, liking, commenting, retweeting, mentioning, or following us), we’ll have access to your interactions and profile information. We’ll still have that information even if you later remove it from the social media site.

What we do with your information

We use your information to provide the services you’ve requested, create and maintain your accounts, and keep an eye out for unauthorized activity on your accounts. We also use it to communicate with you about the products you’re currently using, your customer support requests, new products you may like, chances for you to give us feedback, and policy updates. We analyze the information we collect to understand user needs and to improve our websites and services.

You can decline certain kinds of information use either by not providing the information in the first place or by opting out later. You can also disable cookies to prevent your browser from giving us information, but if you do so, certain website features may not work properly. We completely disable non-essential and intrusive third-party cookies from all our websites and products.

We limit access to your personal information to our employees and vendors who have a legitimate need to use it. If we share your information with other parties (like vendors. distributors, and/or retailers), they must have appropriate security measures and a valid reason for using your information, typically to serve you.

We keep your personal information for as long as it is required for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. When we no longer have a legitimate need to process your information, we will delete, anonymize, or isolate your information, whichever is appropriate.


If you use an HGP mobile app(s) and give the app access to your contacts and photo library, you are entrusting data to us. The data you entrust to us for processing is called service data.

You own your service data. We protect it, limit access to it, and only process it according to your instructions. You may access it, share it through third-party integrations, and request that we export or delete it.

We hold the data in your account as long as you choose to use our Services. After you terminate your account, your data will be automatically deleted from our active database within 2 months and from our backups within 1 month after that.


There are some limitations to the privacy we can promise you. We will disclose personal information if it’s necessary to comply with a legal obligation, prevent fraud, enforce an agreement, or protect our users’ safety. We do not currently honor Do Not Track signals from internet browsers; when a universal standard for processing them emerges, we will follow it.

You can always contact us to ask questions about our privacy practices,  alert us if you believe we have collected personal data from a minor, or ask to have your personal information removed from our blogs or forums, if any.

We will contact you to let you know if we make any major changes to our privacy policy, or in the highly unlikely event that we ever decide to sell our business.